Chapter 50
Author's Note~ This is the last chapter of this fanfic. Since I love to write, another fanfic will be coming after this one is done!
Every day now I prayed at the Goddess Spring for Tori. Alexis and Sam had grown, and now they were running crazily around the house. Oh joy. Already Alexis has run into walls, and Sam gets hit in the face often. There is a difference. Alexis crys when she is hurt, but Sam... laughs. Yes, he laughs. One day Alexis threw a volleyball (don't ask) at him. He didn't catch it; it hit his face. I heard a noise and spun around. Sam was on the ground! I shrieked and rushed over, only to see he was on the ground laughing his heart out. Alexis, after looking at him with a puzzled expression, also fell and laughed. What a strange family I have. Strange, but more or less normal.
A few days later that was going to change.
I was praying at the Goddess Spring, now thinking about Tori. Suddenly, the spring got foamy and silvery. A beautiful lady stepped out on a soft, fluffy cloud. It was the Lady I knew as the Harvest Goddess.
"Hello, Ann." she said in a voice that sounded like an angel. "You are very persistant at praying. I am exceedingly impressed. You not only pray for two causes, but you have never missed coming here once. Even through that snow storm."
I nodded meekly.
"So," she continued, "I have brought you news. Your little daughter, Tori, is going to be a Goddess like me."
A Goddess?
"Yes, Ann." The Harvest Goddess answered my thoughts. "I am teaching her now. She will be great, as I am. She has such wonderful talent and patience. She will be the first mortal to become a Goddess."
I was dumbfounded, yet exited. My baby, a Goddess! I could hardly imagine it? But... would she remember me?"
The Goddess answered my thoughts again. "She remembers you. Every day she asks how you are. So, today, I will let you see her." She waved her arms and a bright silvery-blue light shot out. I was engulfed with cloudy, misty streams.
A moment later, I was in a beautiful land.
I seemed to be on a cloud-- everything was. It was silvery; all of it. There were also fantastic colors I had never seen before. I couldn't name any of them. There were a few beautiful beings, too. A felt a cool hand on my arm.
"Come, Ann. It's time to see your daughter."
"Mama?" a small voice asked. "Hahves' Gohess? You 'hewe?"
A small child walked up to us. She looked exactly like Tori! Same pretty hair and large, blue eyes. Her skin was just like mine-- pale and freckly!
"Tori!" I cried, and rushed over. Tori looked so... angelic. She wore a pale moon-blue gown and a sheer-illusion sash. A thin silver tiara rested on her forehead.
"Mommy... is ih weely you?" she asked again.
"Yes, Tori. Mommy's here." I hugged her tightly. "I missed you."
"Me too. Look wha' I can do!" With that, the girl jumped and floated! "See? I can fly! Can you fly, too?"
I shook my head. "No, sweetie. I can't."
She looked so confused. "Buh..."
She was cut off by the Goddess. "Ann, it is time to leave," she said gently.
"Now?" I asked. "But... I just got here! Will I ever see her again?"
"Yes. She will visit and watch over you. Whenshe gets better at magic she will move into the little pond you have by the tree on your farm. When you see a glimmer of blue, it is her." She took my hand. The world began to fade.
"Wai'!" Tori called. She flew over and put her silver tiara on my head. Then the clouds engulfed me and she was gone.