Japanese Title: Bokujou Monogatari Korobokkuru Suteeshon (Harvest Moon: Sprite's Station)
General Information
* Current release date: 2005
* The environment for the game is in Forgotten Valley, the same area used for the Gamecube and Ps2 versions of A Wonderful Life. The game may possibly take place 100 years after AWL.
* The DS has game slots to handle a DS cartrige and a GBA cartrige at the same time. You can plug in your copy of FoMT (boy and/or girl) into the DS to unlock new events and items in the DS version of the game. Two of the items you can receive are a DVD to play on your TV set and a "Mineral Information Newspaper".
* The DS has two screens; the top screen will display your character in the Valley, the second screen will display your rucksack inventory. When you are talking with a villager, the Inventory screen goes away and their portrait and message text will appear in the bottom screen.
* The morning has been described as "foggy" but clears up as daytime proceeds. FoMT already does something similar to this with the colors on the screen.
* The same animals appear in the DS version as in the GC/Ps2 version. You will have Cows ("Brown" and "Normal" cows have been seen), a Horse, Cat, Dog, Ducks, Sheep, and Chickens.
* To harvest produce from a Cow or Sheep you have to use the DS' stylus pen to interact with the animal.
* Petting the Dog also requires the stylus pen.
* You can also wash your animals like in A Wonderful Life
* The Chicken festival has been changed to be more of a judgement of breeding than a sumo fight. It will take place on Summer 7.
* Known Returning residents: Ban, Cliff, Romana, Popuri, and the Circus Girl from the Ps2 game (I can't remember her name).
* New Harvest Sprites: Dealer (card shark), Afro (big green hair), Abacus (math), Baby (crawling sprite), and Leader (commander-like).
* The Sprites will let you know of events that happen on your farm, even if you're off wandering the valley.
* There is a new Goddess introduced; unlike the Harvest Goddess from the past, this new Witch Goddess is evil.
* If HMDS does take place 100 years after AWL, that might explain the name differences; on the screen shots Romana's name is listed as Banama, Cliff is Harifu, and Popuri's name starts with the letter A. The characters in HMDS may be decendents of the originals.
* You will be able to grow trees (Peach is confirmed)
* Crops have "levels"
* You can cook
"Good morning, Morikana-san! Tomorrow the Chicken Festival will be at the Beach."
"Hey, is the work finished? It is difficult every day, isn't it."