Nov 30, 2005 19:39:40 GMT -5
Post by pendulous threads on Nov 30, 2005 19:39:40 GMT -5
I started on the sequel! YAY! It's not interesting so far, but it will get interesting...well the sequel. But I can't post it until I finish posting this story...so here is a 4 in 1 deal.
Chapter Twenty-five: Shopping Spree
"Melody!" Popuri sang as she burst through the front door. I looked down at Popuri's round stomach, which was almost identical to mine. Our wedding was in 5 days and Popuri couldn't be more happy and excited. I on the other hand was freaking out, and getting the shivers. "We must go shopping today! We can get baby clothes, toys, books..."
"CAN WE BUY CINDERELLA?" Cliff squealed from across the room. "That's my favorite bed time story book...I'm sure the kids would like it."
"Now Cliffie, we have had this talk before." I said pointing a finger at him. "Your a big boy now, and you need to act like one."
"But I'm not 18 yet..." he mumbled.
"Yes, but you are going to be a father to twins." I shot back. "I don't want to have to take care of three kids, Cliff. Please, grow up." He sighed and stuck his tongue out at me. I threw him a dirty look and he immediatly looked away. "I guess his personality is what makes him so adorable though..." I mumbled to Popuri. We started giggling and Gray came up behind Popuri. He pushed past her and came into the house to sit by Cliff at the table. They started a conversation, but Popuri interrupted.
"Okay, let's go shopping guys." she told them. They both groaned and tried to finish their conversation. "I said let's go shopping!" she repeated angrily.
"But I don't wanna go..." Cliff whined. Gray moped too and said, "Yeah, me either..."
"WE ARE GOING SHOPPING!" Popuri screamed loudly. I quickly backed away, and Cliff and Gray froze where they were. "Now...we are going shopping...right now." she said, clentching her fists together. Both of the men dashed out of the door and down the path. Popuri and I trailed behind them quite a ways.
"Wow, you even scared me!" I giggled. "So, I heard you were having a boy..." I said.
"Yes, I am. Gray is so excited, even if it doesn't show." Popuri said. "I saw him skipping to work one day...it kind of scared me." We both started giggling insanely and then we fell quiet.
"I'm having a boy and a girl." I told her. "I'm going to name the girl Melanie and the boy Brandon." Popuri nodded as if she approved of the names. "What about you? Have you thought of a name yet?" I asked her. She thought for a moment.
"Yeah, I think I will name him Jonathan." she answered. She smiled and then added, "Yes, I like that name." We both got to the super market where the guys were talking near the door, waiting for us to catch up. All four of us walked in together.
"Gray and I are going to look at the story books!" Cliff said excitedly. He yanked Gray over to the books and they immediatly started looking through them. I shook my head and sighed. Popuri and I waddled over to the baby clothes and Karen came over once she spotted us.
"What up fatties?" she asked. She covered her mouth with hand quickly as Popuri and I galred at her.
"WE ARE NOT FAT!" we screamed at the same time.
"I know, I'm so sorry." Karen said quickly. "I meant to say you two look like models! You are so skinny and beautiful, you would ever guess you were a season and a half pregnant!" She then ran into the backroom and locked the door.I wouldn't blame her, Popuri have been scaring a lot of people off lately with our tempers. We almost gave Barely a heart attack once...
"Aww, look at this one!" Popuri squealed picking up a light blue outfit with teddy bears all over it. We started digging through the piles of baby clothes and ended up with 60 outfits all together. 40 for me and 20 for her.
"Look what all I found!" Cliff said bouncing up and down as we made our way to the register. He held up a pile of story books, and so did Gray. Popuri and I smiled at them and then we all paid for our items. Gray and Cliff ended up carrying everything home because Popuri and I made up a lie that our backs hurt.
"So, whats up with your mom and Zack?" I asked as we passed the winery. She giggled and replied, "They are dating since. We found out that my dad wasn't really looking for her cure, and was married to someone else, mom got together with Zack."
"Wow, I'm glad it turned out that way. My mom killed my dad." Popuri's eyes widened. "Really?" she asked. I nodded and we both fell silent. Once we got near the path to Poultry Farm we waved good-bye to each other.
Chapter Twenty-six: Sharing Stories
"Wedding, wedding, wedding..." I could hear Popuri sing outside my front door. Cliff sat up in bed beside me and mumbled something. He then got up and opened the door where Popuri was still singing. "WEDDING!" she ran over and to me and started to poke my forehead. I swatted her hand away and pulled the covers over my head. "Wedding..." she sang again.
"Please stop..." I groaned. "I'm getting up, okay?" I pushed the covers off of me and slid off the bed. Popuri grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the closet and pulled out my wedding gown that we had bought 2 days ago. She took it off the hanger and pushed it into my arms. We both went into the bathroom to change since she brought her gown too, leaving Cliff out in the kitchen. Once Popuri was done changing she looked at herself in the mirror and frowned.
"I wish I wasn't so fat!" she complained. "Oh, well. At least I'm not going to be the only fat one! You're fatter than me..."
"Well thanks!" I said sarcastically. I changed into my dress, which was beautiful on me. Even if I was fat because of the twins, I still looked nice. "Does it look okay?" I asked. She nodded and we both started to do our make up. There was a knock on the door which made Popuri and I jump and smear our lipstick. She flung the door open and found that Gray had arrived.
"LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" she yelled. She pointed to her lipstick and I came to stand beside her in the doorway. "FIX IT!" Gray reached over and wiped the lip stick away and then kissed her.
"Am I forgiven, Honey?" he asked sweetly. She smiled and I could swear her eyes were forming into hearts.
"Yeah." she sighed. We returned back to putting make up on and once we were done we let the guys go into the bathroom. "I have been waiting for this day to come for a long time."
"So have I." I replied. "Ever since I met Cliff 3 years ago I had a crush on him, and it's finally developed enough to become this!" I smiled and rested my head on my hand.
"I never thought I would end up with Gray." she blurted out. "I always dreamed of being married to Kai. But then I realized that he was sleeze ball, and looked for someone new to crush on." she sighed. "I remember spying on you and Gray on the beach that one night he asked you out...and I felt jealous. I couldn't figure out why. But once you guys broke up, I realized what it was. I had a crush on him."
"You spied on us?" I questioned. Popuri answered with a simple, "Yes." We sat there for a moment and then she continued her story.
"A couple days after you guys broke up I stopped him on his way to work to talk." she started. "He was so shy, and wouldn't stop blushing. He then told me that he liked me and ran off. The next day I stopped him again and told him I liked him too. So we went out for a while, and I realized the we had something special, just like you and Cliff."
"Aww, that is so sweet Popuri!" I squealed. "When I was sent to the orphanage, no one would talk to me. I would occasionally see Cliff, and he would smile at me. I was still depressed about my miscarriage from Richard, and the death of my parents. I would always cry myself to sleep, and Cliff slept on the bottom of the bunk bed we shared. One night after mostly everyone was asleep he crawled up beside me and wiped my tears away and told me everything would be okay. From then on, he was all that went through my head." Popuri nodded for me to continue. "We would smile at each other and say 'hi' once in a while. Then one day Betty worked me so hard, I collapsed. I hadn't be fed in about 3 days, and Betty then came over and slapped me. I was sent back to my room, where I had 1 hour to recover, and then I had to get back to work. Cliff who got sent to work in the kitchen after the incident snuck out and came to the room with food, and a pack of ice. I ate, and he held the bag of ice on my face. We talked for a while and then Betty came in and saw him there with me. She screamed at him for leaving the kitchen and got ready to slap him, but I stepped between them and got slapped again. Ever since that day, we have been best friends." Popuri sighed and looked at me.
"That is so romantic..." she said. "Sad, but romantic..." I nodded and smiled at Cliff as he stepped out of the bathroom in his tux.
Chapter Twenty-seven: Wedding
Cliff and Gray ran down the path and rounded the corner. Popuri and I waddled behind screaming, "Wait up!" They didn't though, of course.
"So when is your baby due?" I asked Popuri as we turned the corner leading to the square. She replied, "In about 10 days."
"Wow, that would mean I'm due in about...well it could be any time now!" I said. This thought scared me, so I pushed it out of my head as we entered the church. "You meanies didn't wait for us!" I exclaimed as Gray and Cliff came up to us inside the doors. They both shrugged and Mary and Rick ran up to us.
"Guess what?" Mary squealed excitedly. She didn't give us any time to guess though... "Rick and I are getting married! It's going to be a private wedding though...I'm not good around people."
"I GET A SISTER!" Popuri said. Her and Mary hugged each other and then Popuri turned to Rick. "Congratulations big brother! I never knew you and Mary were that serious!" Rick blushed and laughed. Elli and Doc soon ran up too.
"Guess what?" Elli said. "I'm getting..."
"Married?" I interrupted. "Yeah, we know. It must be contagious." Everyone in the audience sat down as the music started. Gray and Cliff dashed off to get into position.
The mayor gave us the cue to walk down the aisle, so Popuri and I locked arms, and slowly walked down the aisle. Once we got to the end we turned and Popuri took Gray's hands as I took Cliff's. I wasn't really paying attention to what Carter was babbling about, but when the time came I repeated what he told me to.
"You may kiss the bride." he concluded. Cliff smiled and we kissed, as Gray and Popuri did the same thing. We both walked out of the church, and I could tell Popuri wasn't feeling well. She tried her best to put a smile on and look happy. I pulled her off to the side for a second and whispered, "What's wrong?"
"It's my stomach..." she replied. "It hurts really bad. Off and on though."
"Popuri I think your having contractions." I said. "Maybe you should go to the clinic..."
"No, I will go tomorrow." she argued. "Right now we need to enjoy the fact the we just got married. I'm not going to worry about the baby until tomorrow!" All four of us walked along the path and back to our houses. Once Cliff and I got inside he turned to me.
"I have a present for you." he took a ring out of his pocket and slipped it on my ring finger. "Do you like it?" No I didn't like it...I loved it! I was a diamond ring, the most beautiful one I have ever seen.
"Yes, I love it!" I said. He the poked my stomach and said, "I also have a present for you two." I crawled in bed and Cliff brought a story book over. Of course, you can guess which one. "Daddy is going to read you two, Cinderella!" He started on the book and I listened. You know, that is a good book. I can see why he likes it so much.
"...And they lived happily ever after. The end." he shut the book and glanced over at me. "So, do you like this book too?" I smiled and said, "Yeah. I guess I can see why you like it so much. You will make a great father Cliff. The kids will absolutely adore you."
Chapter Twenty-eight: Birth
Cliff and I walked about the farm the next morning looking at the crops and the cow. I heard something faint, in the distance. It sounded like a scream. Then it became louder.
"IT HURTS!" the voice screamed. I looked around, wondering what could be making such a racket. Then I spotted Gray trying to carry Popuri down the path. I grabbed Cliff's hand and we started to follow. "YOU IDIOT! I HATE YOU, YOU ARE THE ONE THAT IS PUTTING ME THROUGH THIS PAIN!" Popuri shrieked. "IT'S YOUR FAULT!"
"Please, Honey, calm down. You are not helping any." Gray gasped. He looked tired, and he was trying to carry a very heavy pregnant women. "Please, stop screaming." She flailed her arms, and started screaming like crazy, and Gray tried to move along the path. Soon we got to the clinic and Cliff and I sat down on one of the couches to wait. Gray went into the examination room where they took Popuri to deliver the baby.
"OUT!" Popuri screamed at him. "I HATE YOU! GET OUT!" she screamed. Gray soon ran out of the room as Elli started smacking him with a rolled up newspaper. Elli then shut the door and locked it.
"Look what you have to look forward too." Gray said, smiling at Cliff. Cliff looked alarmed and started to laugh nervously.
"I can't wait until that day..." Cliff said sarcastically. I slapped his arm playfully and could hear Popuri screaming in the next room.
"Come on, Popuri!" I heard Elli say. "You have to cooperate!" I heard more screaming.
Suddenly my stomach started to hurt. I put my hand on my stomach and started to bite my lip to keep from letting out a small scream. Cliff just sat there, not noticing my pain, but Gray looked alarmed.
"Melody...are you okay?" he asked. Cliff then looked over at me and tilted his head.
"...I'm...fine..." I said. "Just...perfect." Cliff shrugged and looked away, but Gray kept staring at me. Then pain got worse so I squeezed my eyes shut and but my lip harder. "Ouch..." I mumbled. Cliff touched my arm and asked, "Are you okay?"
"DOCTOR!" Cliff yelled. "I think she is having the baby too! Help me!" Doc ran out of the examination room and took my hand and dragged me in. At this point...I couldn't control my moody self. I may regret these words...
"CLIFF YOU FREAK! I HATE YOU!" I shrieked. "I HATE YOU!" I then went off into a chorus of cuss words. Elli put her hand over my mouth so I wouldn't disturb Popuri who was resting right now since some of her contractions were over. I bit her hand, and she yanked it away. "IT'S YOUR FAULT! YOU WILL PAY!" I could hear Gray laughing at Cliff in the other room. Doc made me lay down on the examination bed, and tried to calm me down.
"Okay, Melody, look at the pretty little dolly." he said, holding a doll wearing a pink skirt and a pink shirt.
"I DON'T WANT TO LOOK AT THE STUPID DOLLY!" I screamed. I kicked in out of his hands and it flew and hit the wall. "Dolly!" he shrieked. "I will save you!" he then lunged for the doll. Elli rushed over and smacked him on the head.
"Help your patient! Not the dolly!" she barked. Doc looked alarmed and noticed Popuri waking up in the bed across the room. She then held her stomach and started screaming. My stomach started to feel better, and I rested my head against the pillow. Popuri let out the loudest scream ever, and then I heard a baby crying. I looked over and saw a baby boy. Popuri looked relieved, and took the baby in her arms after Elli wrapped him in a blue blanket.
"Congratulations on your baby boy, Popuri." I said. She looked over and noticed I was in the room too.
"Oh, thank you Melody!" she sighed. "You will be due soon too. It's really painful."
"No really..." I said sarcastically. I started to have another contraction and Doc rushed over, but he made me mad so I slapped him. He staggered away, and then said, "This...is a very painful job."
"Painful for you? PAINFUL FOR YOU?" I asked angrily. "LOOK AT ME! YOU'RE LUCKY YOU ARE NOT A GIRL!" He laughed, but stopped when I glared at him.
"You will have the twins sometime tomorrow." Elli announced. She grabbed the Doc by the ear and dragged him out of the room. Cliff and Gray rushed in, and Gray immediately went over to Popuri and the baby, but Cliff came over to me.
"You okay?" he asked. He took my hand and I smiled at him.
"Yeah, I'm fine Sweetie." I answered. But then, I wasn't. I started to have another contraction which resulted in me screaming at Cliff to get out of the room before I smacked him in the head with a base ball bat. He ran from the room, and didn't come back in.
I went to sleep, and woke up about one in the morning. I started screaming, and Elli rushed in.
"DOC, IT'S TIME!" she yelled through out the clinic. "HURRY!" Doc rushed in and came over to me and Elli.
"Come on Melody, push!" I did as told, and pushed, while letting out a shrill scream. Popuri watched from the other side of the room, smiling the whole time. Then, I heard crying.
"Congratulations on your baby boy!" Elli said. She wrapped the baby in a blue blanket and handed him to me. I looked down at my son, my wonderful, adorable son. He had my eyes, and his fathers hair. I felt another pain, and started screaming, but held onto the baby tight.
"Push!" I did again and I soon heard more crying. "Congratulations on your baby girl." Elli handed her to me, wrapped in a pink blanket. I looked down at my two little angels. My baby girl had brown hair and blue eyesjust like her bother. Cliff came into the room cautiously, still afraid of me hitting him.
"It's okay Cliff. It's all over." I told him. "Get over here and see your two children. Brandon, and Melanie." He smiled at me and stepped over. He kissed me and then took Brandon from me and cradled him. He looked happier than ever before. I was too.